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Experimental modeling is the construction of theoretical models hand in hand with experimental activity. As explained in Section 1, experimental modeling starts with claims about phenomena that use abstract concepts, concepts whose conditions of realization are not yet specified; and it ends with a concrete model of the phenomenon, a model that can be tested against data. This paper argues that this process from abstract concepts to concrete models involves judgments of relevance, which are irreducibly normative. In Section 2, we show, on the basis of several case studies, how these judgments contribute to the determination of the conditions of realization of the abstract concepts and, at the same time, of the quantities that characterize the phenomenon under study. Then, in Section 3, we compare this view on modeling with other approaches that also have acknowledged the role of relevance judgments in science. To conclude, in Section 4, we discuss the possibility of a plurality of relevance judgments and introduce a distinction between locally and generally relevant factors.  相似文献   
实物期权对资产定价的非线性影响会导致本质为线性定价的CAPM模型失效.本文以沪深A股2000-2014年间1503家上市公司为样本,利用市值规模、账面市值比、资本支出和总资产回报四个企业特征变量作为实物期权的代理变量,分别对个股贝塔和预期超额收益率进行实物期权调整,给出了经实物期权调整后CAPM有效的证据;而且,较之市值规模和账面市值比,资本支出和总资产回报更加能够反映实物期权对CAPM有效性的影响.此外,实物期权调整对CAPM有效性的影响对处于生命周期早期阶段的企业、高科技行业以及对股权分置改革和次贷危机后的子样本更为明显.  相似文献   
In this paper, we first extract factors from a monthly dataset of 130 macroeconomic and financial variables. These extracted factors are then used to construct a factor‐augmented qualitative vector autoregressive (FA‐Qual VAR) model to forecast industrial production growth, inflation, the Federal funds rate, and the term spread based on a pseudo out‐of‐sample recursive forecasting exercise over an out‐of‐sample period of 1980:1 to 2014:12, using an in‐sample period of 1960:1 to 1979:12. Short‐, medium‐, and long‐run horizons of 1, 6, 12, and 24 months ahead are considered. The forecast from the FA‐Qual VAR is compared with that of a standard VAR model, a Qual VAR model, and a factor‐augmented VAR (FAVAR). In general, we observe that the FA‐Qual VAR tends to perform significantly better than the VAR, Qual VAR and FAVAR (barring some exceptions relative to the latter). In addition, we find that the Qual VARs are also well equipped in forecasting probability of recessions when compared to probit models.  相似文献   
The paper investigates the determinants of the US dollar/euro within the framework of the asset pricing theory of exchange rate determination, which posits that current exchange rate fluctuations are determined by the entire path of current and future revisions in expectations about fundamentals. In this perspective, we innovate by conditioning on Fama–French and Carhart risk factors, which directly measures changing market expectations about the economic outlook, on new financial condition indexes and macroeconomic variables. The macro‐finance augmented econometric model has a remarkable in‐sample and out‐of‐sample predictive ability, largely outperforming a standard autoregressive specification. We also document a stable relationship between the US dollar/euro Carhart momentum conditional correlation (CCW) and the euro area business cycle. CCW signals a progressive weakening in economic conditions since June 2014, consistent with the scattered recovery from the sovereign debt crisis and the new Greek solvency crisis exploded in late spring/early summer 2015. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
为克服三阶段DEA模型忽略了投入-产出之间统计噪声对技术效率的影响这一不足,将环境因素细分为员工工作环境和管理环境两类,提出了一种基于随机前沿分析(stochastic frontier analysis)技术的四阶段模型. 通过对比剔除管理环境因素前后的技术效率,得到动态经营管理效率(management efficiency). 进一步,利用四阶段SFA模型对2002-2010 年间我国省际技术效率和政府管理绩效进行了测算. 研究发现:(1) 我国整体、三大地区及各省区综合技术效率均呈现“U型”波动趋势,且东部地区最高,中部次之,西部最低;而实际技术效率呈现单调递增的变动趋势,中部最高,东部次之,西部最低. (2) 政策扶持对于地区技术效率的提升具有重大的推动作用,贡献率高达71.4%;政府管理绩效呈现“U型”波动趋势(江西,湖北,海南除外),且东部地区高出中西部约8.9% 和3.2%. 作为技术效率和经营管理绩效实证研究的技术基础,四阶段SFA 模型为优化资源配置提供了很好参考.  相似文献   
文章查阅了国内外关于手语语序研究的文献,对研究结果进行分析归纳后得出:手语语序研究在国外开展比较深入,国内相关研究尚显薄弱;手语语序受到动词方向性、类标记结构、语义、语用以及非手控特征等多种因素的影响;判断手语基本语序的标准与口语大致相同;对被试的选择和实验材料的设计越来越科学合理。文章在分析归纳已有研究成果的基础上,提出了中国手语语序研究中应该注意的问题。  相似文献   
明代的宦官制度一直为人所诟病,甚至很多人都将明代灭亡的原因归结为宦官,尽管牵强,但是明代宦官为害之深是汉唐两代所不曾有的,既要究其制度成因,更需要对其社会背景下的心理因素进行剖析。  相似文献   
改革开放以来,虽然西藏地区经济增长迅速,但与其他省份相比,经济发展水平依然落后,尤其是财政支出九成依靠中央政府的转移支付。文章通过对西藏地区经济发展现状以及制约因素的分析,提出推动西藏经济发展的合理化建议,一是立足西藏自身资源禀赋加速发展绿色经济与特色产业;二是发展产业集群、建立经济增长极带动西藏地区经济全面发展;三是加大人力资本的投入以及实施留住人才的优惠政策;四是提升地区技术创新能力;五是加快完善市场经济体制;六是加快完善资本市场。  相似文献   
综采工作面是煤矿生产系统的重要组成部分,其"人—机—环境"相互作用关系直接影响着煤矿的安全生产。本文以谢桥煤矿综采面"人—机—环境"系统为研究对象,并从这三个组成要素出发,对各类影响因素进行了研究和评价,为人、机、环境各子系统的改进提供理论基础和决策支持。继而结合采煤生产循环实际过程,提出"以人为本"的人机工程匹配完善方案,提高人机互动准确度,克服设备三大故障。将研究结果应用到谢桥煤矿13116综采工作面的实际生产,并提出相应的改进措施,使系统功能趋于完善。  相似文献   
以PCBA生产过程中的潜在质量失效因素为节点,以潜在质量失效因素之间的关系为边,建立质量失效因素加权网络。研究该加权网络的拓扑结构,结果表明:质量失效因素网为无标度网络,服从幂律分布;根据点权强度、集聚系数、介数、特征向量值找到重要和关键质控点。将复杂网络理论与鱼骨图、FMEA等定性质量工具相结合,可有效弥补FMEA的不足;在微观和宏观两个层面找到关键的质量失效因素,更容易抓住质量管控的重点;执行相应的质量预防和改进措施;可提高零缺陷质量管理系统建立的效率和全面质量管理的效果;复杂网络可作为质量数据挖掘的一种有效工具和分析方法;为PCBA产业的质量管理提供理论和实践上的借鉴意义,并为质量预防和质量改进提供了一种全新的研究视角。  相似文献   
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